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Friday, May 8, 2009

why, oh WHY!!!

ok, its that five lettered word all over again-the one that every student in the whole wide world loathes whole-heartedly... EXAMS...
why do we have to be tested?why should there be any such thing as exams?why should students be discriminated on the basis of scores?doesnt anyone,ANYone realise its time to realise other talents??? i mean,its gen N for heaven's sake!!!dont we students know our potential?cant we go out there,show the world what we are?can we not NOt have exams please?(you know what i meaan right?)
its so unbecoming of the management to do this to poor li'l us...
why cant we just be free birds???!!!
well never mind this post... its just a li'l girl whining and complaining abt exams... happens when u've an exam in five days... general mindset before and during exams....
ok if u've come this far then please do comment.... :P

1 comment:

Bharat said...

yeah i pity you....exams are a sad time for us, the poor little kids!!!!!